
Savings Deposit Account

  • Accounts can be opened with a minimum amount of K1,000.
  • Accounts be opened as individual, joint for 2 or more people, for minors, or for social, religious or economic organizations.
  • An annual interest rate of 7.00% p.a is offered.
  • Interests will be credited to your account every quarter at the end of June, September, December and March.
  • Insurance savings account can be opened for the employees from respective departments, organizations and companies who are assigned with money-related tasks. In this function, an insurance savings account can be opened with the letter of requisition by the head of respective department, organization and company. The deposits and withdrawals will be conducted as directed by the head of respective organization in his or her letter
  • **An annual interest rate of 7.25% p.a will be offered  for Royal Savings Deposit Account (100 million and above) .